How to draw up a quality terms of reference
The Terms of Reference (TOR) are the instructions for the contractor and the contract for the customer in one person. Before starting work, be sure to immerse yourself in the subject area of the customer and, if possible, conduct an interview with him.
During the conversation, write down the words that are most often uttered by the customer, they will help later in formulating the requirements. Do not be afraid to ask questions, the purpose of the interview is to find out the real problem of the business and to identify specific goals for the product.
If you have information about the performer, it is worth to discuss possible options with him during the analysis phase, to listen to his expert opinion.
It is also important to build regular communications with stakeholders. Show your interim progress, discuss difficulties and perceived risks. Systematic feedback will help both sides to make sure that you have chosen the right direction and that the output will be the expected result.
At the end of each meeting, make a record of the decisions made. This way you will always have arguments to answer controversial questions.
When writing the TOR, express your thoughts from the general to the specific, from the problem to the solution, from the business requirements to the system requirements.
There is no need to start with an emphasis on technical details, even if you think that it is extremely important to pay attention to them. At the start, the reader is not yet aware of the problem and will not be able to appreciate the chosen solution.
Each requirement should be clearly stated. Avoid introductions, metaphors, lyrical digressions, and personal reflections on the topic. Give clear examples and illustrations.
Don’t forget the layout: a structured text is 50% of success.